
Psychic or Psycho?

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We went to visit my dad and had a really nice time. I think I had a bit of a pre-cognition today, but it sounds so lame talking about it after the fact.

We were driving through a neighborhood that takes us out to the highway, and I thought, "I hope I don't get a flat." There was no reason to think that - I hadn't run over anything or noticed that my tire was low. I just chalked it up to one of those rogue thoughts that pop in there, like "I wonder what would happen if I swerved off the road right now?"

Anyway, you can probably guess what happened on the highway: we got a flat. Not a blow-out, but a flat. And thank God Shane was with me to change the tire. I mean, I really can change a tire, but we would probably still be there on the side of the road because I couldn't get the lug nuts off. Both times I have gotten a flat tire while driving have been on the highway. Go figure.

So what do you think? Pre-cognition or rogue thought? Have you had any similar experiences that you thought about after the fact?


Stacey G said...

I've had lots of experiences like that - but I too feel lame saying I was psychic AFTER the thing happened!

Anyway, I'm enjoying your blog. We also believe in the Law of Attraction. It's brought a lot of material things to us.

Cheryl said...

Silly you, it wasn't precognition. It was the law of attraction. And man, you sure are manifesting quickly!

StaceyG said...

That's what I thought - can I manifest this quickly?? And why not manifest thoughts of abundance instead of a flat?? Argh.

Tracey said...

Ditto to what Cheryl said. LOL

cjm said...

I'm not sure what it is... But how about the skeptical thought thrown in? How many times do you think something like that and it doesn't happen? I'd just like to think that the good things come to fruition more often than the bad...

StaceyG said...

That's really what puzzled me, c. If the Law of Attraction was working here, I must have given more thought than a brief one to having a flat. I have weird rogue thoughts all the time that (so far) haven't happened. But then again, I have been visualizing stuff for months that haven't happened yet either. Something to look forward to I suppose.

selzach said...

I have no idea whether it was coincidence or pre-cognition although I do believe some people are in touch with some part of themselves that allow for premonitions/pre-cognitions.

I rarely experience them, but they do happen once in a while (so maybe they're just coincidences). When we took our family last weekend, I thought how nice it would be if Peanut could see some snow. We got snow, even though they only predicted flurries.

Back when I was pregnant with Peanut, Hubby was assigned to attend week-long out of town class sometime early in the pregnancy. The class was 6 weeks before my due date and I had a really bad feeling about it and told Hubby. He blew it off and sure enough, I went into labor that week.