
Take care of YOU in 2007

With the new year comes new resolutions. I like to think of them more as "goals." The major goal I have set for mySelf in 2007 is to take better care of me. If I don't do it, who will?

I see it all the time...client after client comes in with this problem or that one...and they can all be traced back to lack of Self-care! Some might need to learn how to set boundaries. Some may need to learn how to eat better or to budget their money. But it all comes down to something that they did not take the time to learn or do because they were too busy doing for others!

I'd be lying if I said I never had that problem, but I do believe that awareness is step #1. Now, maybe a resolution for better Self-care is step #2.

What are you going to do in 2007 to take care of YOU?


Anonymous said...

Self-care has taken a back seat (so to speak) to car care and house care to the point where I don't care.

That's it. 2007. I care not to care about care. How selfish.

Anonymous said...

It's always good to take care of yourself. You're worth it.

Have a happy 2007