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"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." -- Albert Einstein
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
-- Marianne Williamson
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought." -- The Buddha
uh, seriously? I've never counted the squares in my life...
I do not count the squares - just pull off what I need. But it has to come over the top of the roll - none of that putting-it-on-backwards crap.
Ask Kate. She will deliver a lecture on toilet paper.
And now for my belated two cents (sometimes it takes me 24 hours to actually think of a cogent comment -- and this one is no-holds barred, warning!!!):
I am usually a fairly frugal person. I do not use more of anything than I need. But sometimes need outweighs frugality, and such is the case when you have one of those messy BMs that require the use of, oh, HALF A ROLL of toilet paper.
Gross, or reality? Both. And you're like, wiping, and wiping, and wiping, and going, "Shit!" (to which I inevitably mentally add, "Literally! and then laugh at myself) and you have to flush TWICE or MORE because you don't want to block up the plumbing BUT YOU'RE STILL NOT DONE!
I hate that!
I won't go on.
Please go to THIS link rather than the one I listed before. In fact, Tigger, if you’d just substitute the right one (I cannot seem to overwrite anything I upload at the moment – long story) I would be very grateful.
If anyone goes to the other link I will be VERY SAD INSIDE.
Crazy Kate of Le Monde de Kate du Fromage
When I was a kid, my dad used to want us to use only 3 squares to save money. To heck with that, now I use as big a wad as i need.
Thank you kate and lattegirl for the commentary on this matter. It has been exponentially helpful to my cause.
Thank YOU, Tigger, for giving us an open bowel forum (so to speak).
I hear you, lattégirl. My Parent’s had the two upstairs bathrooms re-done. The salesperson who sold them the new toilets RAVED about their magnificent flushing power (in spite of their accordance with low-flow water statutes). I believe he ranked it in terms of how many GOLF BALLS they would flush. Golf Balls, MY ASS, I’ve said on more than one occasion.
Believe me, once you’ve exceeded the capacity of ANY toilet at – let’s just say – a particularly unfortunate moment and had to clean up the resultant overflow mess, you get very paranoid.
That is why we have what we call “the bucket flush.” If you look into the bowl and decide the risk is just NOT worth it, you resort to the "bucket flush."
To employ this method, you don’t actually FLUSH the toilet, you just carefully pour water down that damn thing until it manages to liquefy enough matter (if OPRAH can devote an entire show to the correct appearance of one’s bowel movements, then I suppose we can be at least a LITTLE frank) and the flush mechanism automatically triggers. Repeat as necessary.
And getting more fiber in your life is supposed to be a GOOD thing.
Crazy Kate of Le Monde de Kate du Fromage
There actually was a whole tv show dedicated to what bm's should look like ad nauseum on our lovely Discovery channel. Unfortunately, I missed it, but was informed about it by a friend who knows my love for potty talk.
The research study I'm working on now actually involves BMs. Fun. I could provide us with a 7-point scale that describes various poo characteristics if you'd like.
Uh, oh! Please enlighten us!
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