
is it time?

i used to worship time. we have more clocks in this house than i care to count - it's developed into a collection. i used to get anxious when my digital clocks disagreed.

a few weeks ago, i stopped wearing a watch.

i'm continually amazed at how reliable my "internal clock" is! i haven't missed or been late to an appointment yet. the only ramification of this has been that i occasionally feel like i've been in a cave. i was coming home yesterday and saw that our neighborhood has put up the holiday lights and decorations. i started to feel annoyed, but then i realized that it is november - less than 2 weeks until thanksgiving!

so now i am able to look at the decorations and feel happy since i no longer perceive them as being prematurely thrust on me. i love the holidays, and am looking forward to spending thanksgiving and christmas with the people i love.


Anonymous said...

I experienced the same radical shock with the Christmas display at Walgreens. It was 85 degrees at the time.

But in Houston, we can't keep pounding tiny fists into the dirt sobbing "why, oh why God?" It just ain't gonna snow.

So I'm with you. Let's redirect attention to the holiday spirit. Find "It's a Wonderful Life." I haven't seen it in a few years. Crank the A/C and heat spicy apple cider. Think stuffing.

We don't want to miss it.

StaceyG said...

Good advice!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for people who don't have snow.

Tigs (because I like to diminutize peoples' nicknames), check out
http://www.flarn.com/~warlock/tarot/ . Guess what I got? THE UNIVERSE!!!

StaceyG said...

I'm the "High Priestess." Go figure. =)

Anonymous said...

Now I know where I last saw Tigger. A PC game.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

We did have a White Christmas just a couple of years ago here in Houston - it will probably be the one and only Houston White Christmas that I or my kids will ever see. It was awesome!

P.S. I don't wear a watch, either - but I do like all my clocks at home to be perfectly synchronized!

StaceyG said...

Bubba's Sis - I live in Houston, too. We were OUT OF TOWN when it snowed here!! Grrrrr.

fredheidrick said...

so you became the -clock nice, use to do that , when i still worked, but now that disibility has set in, , no need for one. gave up the wrist wach for 3 years , knocked off hands, but now its back , like the shiney band.internal clocks are amasing.still want to buy a atomic clock.acurat

i lived in fayetteville arkansas for 6-7 years, and i did miss the snow, and lake erie, from cleveland, oh.

this time of year i long to go to INDIA , the north east they realy shove it down your throat., glad you--risen above that!!

peace fred