
in the present moment

what a pretty day! these are the days that make living in south texas tolerable. i am sitting i the driveway, watching punkin play with her strange, new friend isaac. this kid is weird, i tell you! first of all, when he comes to call, he rings the doorbell 5 or 6 times while beating loudly on the door. he has no respect for personal space, either. i'm not sure what his story is since i have never met his parents. he's one of those kids that just kind of roams around the neighborhood alone. but punkin seems to enjoy his company for whatever reason.

we have evening plans to go to some friends' house and order take-out tex-mex. the wife of said couple is very pregnant. we were trying to decide what to order earlier and then i had an epiphany. duh! spicy food is supposed to help a woman go into labor! she already had a prenatal massage with emphasis on the ankles and other labor trigger points. so, of course i mentioned the other supposed labor aide - sex. i haven't heard her laugh that loudly in months. i remember my last few weeks of pregnancy. not only did i not want the captain to touch me, i couldn't come up with any feasible way to "git r done."

oh my goodness, this kid is nervin' me. he's lucky this isn't last week. i would have told him to get his sorry ass home by now.

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