
a halloween wash

it's 6:46 pm on october 31 - halloween...or "all hallow's eve" if you will. normally, we would be out scouting for candy, but it is raining and lightning. i have a gigantic supply of candy to hand out and not one person has rung the bell. i suppose my clients will appreciate the goodies when i take them to my office.

punkin is disappointed, of course. she was going to go play with a friend while wearing their costumes, but it turns out that they are on the way to the hospital, as friend's mom is in labor. if she has kid #2 tomorrow, both of their children will have november 1 birthdays.

and speaking of november 1...revenge of the sith is out tomorrow on dvd! i know - you don't care and i am a big geek, but so be it. i am practicing unconditional self love.

halloween update (8:15 pm): the rain slowed to a drizzle, so the captain kindly took our little black cat to a few houses for some trick or treat fun. i answered the door 3 or 4 times, but then got sick of it and set the bowl of candy on the front porch with a note saying something like "take some, but leave some for other people." the weather changes give me migraines, so i wasn't feeling particularly hospitable. i peeked out around 7:30 and replenished the candy bowl with the last of the sweets (yay!). i looked out again at 8:15 to not only find all the candy gone, but the bowl as well! perhaps i am naive, but i would have thought that the neighborhood kids would have better manners than that. smash my pumpkin in the street, but don't take my candy bowl. the captain blames it on boys, but i'm not so sure. it's a moot point now anyway...good thing it was a cheapy plastic bowl, though i really liked it and wanted to use it next year. freakin' hoodlums. yeah, i never did anything like that when i was a kid. *halo*

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