

last night, i woke up to pee around 12:30 am. then i couldn't go back to sleep. my mind wasn't racing and i didn't feel stressed. i was just awake. after lying in bed for an hour, i got up and wandered in here to the computer. knowing that nell is a night owl, i emailed her and we had fun for a while on instant messenger. i went back to bed around 3 am and fell asleep relatively quickly. but, of course, 6 am came too soon for my taste. i felt gross today, like i used to feel when punkin was a baby and we never got more than 4 hours' sleep at one time.

speaking of babies, my friend had her little girl at 12:37 am. that means her 2 kids will have the same birthday! it will be quite a challenge to have parties that make each kid feel special. thankfully, that won't be a problem for another 4 or 5 years. babies and toddlers don't care about birthday parties...those are for the adults.

it's dark outside already. i could totally go to bed right now, but then i'd be up for good at 1 am.

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