
fear not, young jedi

the captain and i just got back from seeing star wars episode 3. i cried like a baby during the movie. i find it interesting that people get so attached to characters that don't exist in the real world. i liked anakin. i watched him grow up and then turn into this evil entity. everything he did that was evil broke my heart. so, the movie was good since it sucked me in and made me feel intense emotions for the characters.

i remember being a kid - about 8 or 9. we had regular story time and the teacher read a book with a sad ending. i cried all the way home on the bus. i cared so much for the character that met a less than happy fate. it stuck with me, too. i thought about that story for a couple of weeks. in fact, when titanic came out a few years ago, i ruminated about it for weeks as well.

why is it that i do this? many people don't shed a tear. i didn't even cry when i was watching the passion of the Christ. i think this particular event had to do with my almost 30 year relationship with the star wars characters. when you know someone for that long, their plights can effect you emotionally.

anyway, i now have a headache and swollen eyes. too bad the jedi healing trick isn't real.

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