
more blog pimpin'

t-bone's texas t-bone: t always has something insightful to say. his list format makes things easier to read. he is not afraid to give his opinion about issues, yet is open-minded enough to let commenters post theirs and not delete any who disagree.

teresa's hatamaran: i love reading teresa's blog because she has introduced me to something i probably would have never known anything about: fiber art. her designs are gorgeous and it's fun to read about the latest show. she also uses her blog to process things she is going through and so that makes her even more real to the reader.

mark's clear lake reflections: mark is a local, which is always appealing to me. the places he talks about are familiar. his writing is often poetic, and he tends to make me think. even when he writes that he has nothing to say, the entry ends up being profound. i think it's refreshing to read the thoughts of a 40-something guy and have hot movie stars and tennis pros mentioned more than once. =)

sheila's way2happy: i never know what to expect when i pull up sheila's blog. she has been through a lot in her life - enough to beat someone down. but not only has she persisited, she's thrived. i love reading about her house remodeling projects, her steadfast opinions and about the process she's going through to make peace with her past. she's very honest and open, as well as open-minded.

ellen's sugar in the raw: i feel like i know ellen in real life sometimes. we've been through the agony of infertility, the acceptance that pregnancy will probably never happen, and the thrill of it actually happening! we've been through good days at work, good days at home, and of course, the bad. we've seen movies that she gives thumbs up and i give thumbs down. ellen is a very authentic individual and i'm glad that i found her blog.

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