
roll the bones

my mom is now out of the hospital and at my house recuperating. she gets a little better every day. thanks again for your prayers, thoughts, etc.!

i did get to go to the rush concert last weekend. it was so awesome! i had 4th row tickets which really turned out to be 2nd row because of the handicap row. the guys in the band are notorious for noticing people (especially women) who know all the words to the songs and are having a good time. so, i did my best to be the biggest fan ever. i sat next to a guy who was very pleasant and also a big fan. i sat behind 2 guys from my church! they are in the church band. it sure is a small world. it was pretty hot and we were all sweating like crazy, but i didn't mind.

so my biggest fan ever paid off! some peon that works for the band waded through the people to get to me. he gave me an autographed drumstick and backstage passes! i was on cloud 9! so i went back stage after the concert and talked to geddy and alex (neil had already left). we hung out for about an hour, drinking heinekens and talking about all kinds of things. they were impressed that i had been a fan for 17 years. they initially thought i was younger than i am, but i get that a lot. we took pictures and then their peons sent me on my way. it was an experience of a lifetime!*

so things are getting better in my world. i have some catching up to do in regard to reading blogs, but i'll be by and leave a comment soon.

*okay, so none of that backstage/drumstick stuff really happened. a girl can dream, can't she?

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