
Who Would You Buy?

Looks like people are using their airline/hotel points to buy their way onto the red carpet. If the sky was the limit, who would you buy?

I think I might like to talk to Johnny Depp. He seems to have a real dark side (or maybe just really likes to do Tim Burton flicks). We'd get tipsy on red wine and talk about death. Sounds like a hoot, no?


Tracey said...

Gerard Butler. That is who I would buy...period. *sigh* :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still a little hacked off Travlota's house has pull-up tarmac for multiple airplanes.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

I'd go with Johnny Depp, too. And request that he be in character as Captain Jack Sparrow at the time. Sexy.

Bubba's Mom said...

I'm thinking George Clooney. All us more "mature" women think George Clooney.