
Pick Your Pie

This year - and every day - I am going to "pick my pie." Perhaps you have heard the term, "He's got his fingers in many pies," meaning that he is very busy with a lot of different things. I have used that term to describe myself more than...50 times.

I am trying to be mindful about what it is that I want on a daily basis. I mean what I really want to do - not what I "should" or "have to" do. Then, I am prioritizing my day based on that list. If there's a pie that I don't like, I pass by. I only take the pies that thrill me.

Of course, there are exceptions. Some things really do need to be taken care of. But I am finding that if I schedule most of my time doing things that I am passionate about, the little things that I "have to" do don't seem so mundane or unpleasant.

I believe it was Joseph Campbell who said, "Follow your bliss." How about that?


cjm said...

I like it. And not just because it mentions pie. I think I'll take your blog to heart this year (not that I didn't last year) since I tend to put myself last. And I thought only mothers did that... Today I'll pick my pie. And it may actually include pie.

Anonymous said...

Just lurking. A great post. I'll be back.

Anonymous said...


I have a Joseph Campbell coffee table book, "The Power of Myth" on my atlas book stand.

StaceyG said...


Anonymous said...

If you believe in destiny, like Marisa Tomei in "Only You," there is no such thing as a coincidence.

It's a movie.

Cheryl said...

I like pies. But not just any pies. I'm picky about my pies. And getting even pickier these days.

lattégirl said...

What if my bliss is a sandy beach 3,000 miles away? What then, eh, miss smartypants?


StaceyG said...

LOL Certainly you have some bliss closer to home, too!