
I'm 55% "Normal"

Stolen from cjh:

You Are 55% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself


lattégirl said...

It just struck me that your layout and colours are different.

You might have done this a week ago but I just noticed.

I like, very much.

Mmm those red cliffs off in the right side must be,,,,,,,, Arizona? I'm sure I'm wrong. Sandstone. That must be correct.

Forgive me. I meant to say that I'm pretty sure you're weird, deep down.

StaceyG said...

You were right the first time - the pic is Sedona, Arizona.

The colors and layout have been this way for weeks!! LOL! But thanks for the compliment anyway. And yes, I pride myself on being weird.

lattégirl said...

I neglected to mention that I got the exact same result as you did, weirdness-wise. Hate the picture that accompanies the result, mind.