
what burns me

captchas (or word verifications) really burn me. i even use them on my own blog comment box to prevent comment spam. however, mine are relatively simple like the one on the left. last night, i was trying to join a yah00! group and their captchas were so distorted and unintelligible that i had to try 4 or 5 times before i got it right! and i am not blind or stupid or dyslexic.

so, this morning, i had to do the final step to join this particular group - and again was faced by a horrible captcha. is that a "k" or a really bent "x"? is that a capital "s" or lowercase? or maybe it's a 3? this time it only took me 2 times to get it right, but left me with the feeling that no human being should have to go through such mental torture just to join a stupid group. i think i am going to start my own group - the coalition against complicated captchas (or cacc). if you want to subscribe, just send an email to cacc-subscribe@yah00groups.com. the approval process will be simple, i promise.


Anonymous said...

I have often myself considered such attempts an IQ test I was failing.

Just for you, today: qwstbvz

teresa said...

those damn things get on my nerves, too

selzach said...

I'm relieved I'm not the only one who has problems with them! I always feel stupid when I can't figure out a letter.