
deep thoughts by brittany, psykology stoodent

hi! like, i'm brittany and i'm going to take you with me throo a semester of general psykology at my community college. i've got some adjunct professor, so we'll see how boring she is.

week 1: my professor is fuckin lame. she sat in the back of the room and then came up to the front after class was supposed to start. she was dressed in jeans and a hoodie, like that could hide how old she is. she read the sillabus and had us do the usual introductions of ourselves. yawn. the next class she lectured on some shit about people who made up psykology, you know froid and people like that. that dude was a perv.

week 2: this week we talked about shit that was way over my head. what is "neuroscience?" we had to learn parts of the brain, but i thought it was more fun to talk to my homies. the next class period she talked about sensashun and percepshun, which where a little cool. my friends asked a lot of stupid questions, but she was able to answer them pretty good.

week 3: consciousness and it's variations: i thought this would be intresting, but all we talked about was meditation and hypnosis. the next session the prof was out sick and she had some lame sub come in and talk really fast. most of us left.

week 4: learning: this week we learned the diffrence between two diffrent learning styles. it was very confuing and i think i will fail the test. it sounds like gibberish to me. the next week we learned about memory. This was confusing, too, but i think i understud. or maybe i won't remember.

week 5: thinking, language and intelligence: what the fuck do these three have in commun? they are all the same. lame-o. the next week, we talked about motivation and imotion. duh! you have to have motivation to have imotion!

week 6: lifespan development: who gives a shit how we grow from babies to grown-ups? does it matter? i think not. next week we talked about persunality. that was pretty cool. it was much better than learning.

week 7: social psykologogy: yawn. 'nuff said. the next week we talked about stress, health and koping. it was a pretty cool chapter, and i learned how to deel with my stress.

week 8: psykological disorders: very cool chaptur, except kids kept telling stories about there fathers and uncles being diagnosed, yada, yada. I think we're gonna finish the chaptur on monday. the last chpatur will cover therapees, but i doubt the prof can cover it all. so, our "final exam" will be over 2 chapturs. schweet!

thats all for now. peace owt.


Anonymous said...

I'm like decending into Britney speak and like don't exactly know what to say after picking self up from floor from laughing.

Anonymous said...

Is this one of your students?! I can not imagine teaching that level of intelligence. Now wonder they fail...

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I read this twice because of the funniness. Is that a word?

Tracey said...

Welcoeme to the generation who will be taking care of us when we are in our 80's...scares the hell out of ya doesn't it? LOLl