
don't fart on your way down

people around here have been bitchin about how hot it's been this winter. i've had this hunch that february was going to be the month. it usually is. sure, it's been 70 degrees from november to january, but fear not. the weather people say that it's going to get below freezing this weekend. today it's raining.

one time [in band camp] when i was living in college station, it froze so bad that cars were skidding all over the place. i made it to work safely since it was about 2 miles away. then i got a call from one of my roommates asking me to come home. turns out she had fallen down the icy concrete stairs and was lying at the foot of them, bleeding from both knees. after about 7 minutes of hysterical laughter, i helped her up the stairs and tended to her wounds.

don't worry - she has a story she can blackmail me with, too. our downstairs male neighbors borrowed our vacuum cleaner. we were horsing around one day and i let the loudest fart known to womankind rip just as said neighbor was walking up the stairs to return the vacuum. i ran and hid in the bathroom while they all laughed about it.

hey - laughing is good for you. it released endorphins and gives you the feeling that you're in love. what's a fall and a fart between friends?


Anonymous said...

If we didn't bitch about the weather, it wouldn't free up our endorphins. And it's not going below freezing. If so, only for mere moments.

You just want two days to wear the winter ward robe.

selzach said...

OK, I was thinking waaay worse. With that "one time in band camp..." ;)