
the weekend update

it's been an...interesting week. my mom ended up going to the e.r. on wednesday because she was so disoriented and her head hurt badly. i was afraid she'd had another stroke - or even maybe "the big one," to quote redd foxx. she's had mini-strokes here and there for years. no doctor has ever really been able to explain why. we've just assumed that there's a clot somewhere that the imaging can't pick up.

after having test after test performed, they determined that she was dehydrated, her electrolytes were way out of balance and she was anemic. the mri finally showed us what we've been wanting to know for so long - she doesn't have a clot after all! it's a blood vessel that's bent in the shape of an "L". that's good and bad news. since it's not a clot, it can't all of a sudden break free and kill her. but they can't really fix the bent vessel, so she'll have to depend on blood thinners and beta blockers for the rest of her life to minimize future mini-strokes.

oy-vey. so...what's new in your world?


Anonymous said...

Shopping prattle about Bay Area Blvd crazy drivers seems tame in comparison to real life worries. Sorry to hear that Tigger. Mom must take her medicine. Modern medical science is a wondrous thing.

selzach said...

I'm sorry about your mom's health and glad it wasn't a stroke. Hugs.