
have a nice, peaceful sunday?

face painting. it's a tradition. i wish the lady had painted the other side of my face - it would have hidden more zits. anypoodle, we went to the texas renaissance festival, like we do every year. we usually go on opening weekend when it is cheaper, but my fil scored us free tickets for this weekend.

the usual freaks were there, including us. i forgot my camera. i am so glad to be home. we always have a good time, riding rides, eating and people-watching, but it makes for a very tiring afternoon. especially when you foolishly invite your daughter's best friend to come along (see "free tickets" sentence above). the experience brought a new meaning to "are we there yet?" and no - that's not a good thing!


Anonymous said...

Joke's on you because that ink is indelible.

selzach said...

Duuuuude, I love renfairs. When Peanut's big enough I'll be dragging him along. I may even have to get him all gussied up in period costume and use it to embarass him for years to come.

Did they have the mud pit guys and the dude you can pay to insult your friends? Those guys always crack me up.

You and Punkin look so much alike! Cute pics.

StaceyG said...

Yep, the mud show is there. We didn't run into any of the insult guys, but we have at previous faires. Where else can you get a clever insult for $1?? =)