
the lies about cats and dogs

this morning, our cat sassy was keenly observing the captain as he sat on the couch after his morning jog. "she's judging you," i said. it really did look like sassy was sizing him up...friend or foe? after a while, she dismissed him, losing interest and falling asleep. she did the same to me this afternoon, though her eyes remained open until i fed her. great - i have a judgmental cat. at least i know where i stand, being the one who feeds her and all.

our next door neighbors moved out of their house yesterday. they only moved a mile or so to an apartment. apparently, their landlord was overcharging them to rent the house that he bought for a song from a v.a. foreclosure. today, we discovered that they left their miniature doberman, chief, behind. i had stopped at the mailboxes on my way home and when i got back in the car with the mail in hand, there he was sitting in the passenger seat. of my car. when i saw that the neighbors were nowhere to be found, i took him home and put him in our backyard with some cat food and water. i tried to call his owners, who said they were keeping their phone number, but i never could get a connection. i don't know whether they left him on purpose or if he ran away from the apartment and came back "home." i do know, however, that his incessant barking is getting on my nerves.

anyone want a miniature doberman? when you come to pick him up, i'll let you come in and be judged by my cat, just in case your day was really great or something.

[update: the neighbors came that night and picked up the dog. apparently, there was some confusion as to who was supposed to pick him up.]


Anonymous said...

don't feel bad!!! my cat, Hope, is a drama queen, she is so much more tempermental and moody than most cats, i LOVE her to death...my dad acts like he could care less, so she is ALL OVER him...my mom, bless her heart for trying, loves the cat like crazy too, but Hope for the most part attacks my mom, biting her hand/arm if it is in reach, swatting at her ankles when she walks by, grolwing like the cats from pet cemetary when ever she tries to pet her...BUT when there is chicken or turkey involved, she will sit like a vulture, only by my mom 'cause she knows she will cave and give her some. the best part is that if there isn't someone in the room with her, Hope will go from door to door pawing at it, yeowling, and crying until someone is with her...then she'll get comfy-cozy on her back and go to sleep.
but like the saying goes, we're their people...they're not our pets!

StaceyG said...

So true! My other cat, Squeakers, is just a big, dumb baby. She weighs 16 lbs., has the IQ of a houseplant and must suckle my shirt every time she gets on my lap! She's the least judgmental cat I know. Heh.

Anonymous said...

They just left the dog behind? Wow.