
here's my toothless punkin. it's hard to see, but her bottom center tooth is missing. she is holding "pinkie" who followed me home from cali. i am loving this new blogger photo tool.

i made it to the dr. yesterday and sure enough, i have a sinus infection. i am feeling better today after that first dose of antibiotics. she also gave me some samples of a deongestant/antihistamine and said something like, "this may make you a little drowsy." can you say coma? i took the stuff around 7:30pm and was asleep 30 minutes later. i am pretty sure i got up to do the bedtime routine with punkin, but could not move when she came in our room in the middle of the night scared of something. i woke up to find her in her sleeping bag on the floor of our room. i was super groggy when i got up, but now i am feeling right as rain.

my mom just stopped by to pick up her rent check. she is moving back to her condo on the lake next month, and surprisingly i am having mixed feelings. if you've never known anyone with bipolar disorder, i must tell you that they generally have to be immersed in some kind of drama. if nothing's going on, they will make it up. right now, life is rolling along, so my mom has taken it upon herself to get upset about the prices of prescription drugs. actually, i hear this particular rant almost every month. and she has a point - $120 for 1 month's worth of meds is highway robbery. but she's threatening to stop taking her pills because of it. i will not miss dealing with things like this on a near-daily basis. but at the same time, i think living so close to her has made me understand how her mind works a little better. i'll miss her.

today, i have a massage scheduled. i have a pretty big knot on my right shoulder. the doctor even felt it yesterday. i know it's going to be pretty painful while the therapist works it out. but if she succeeds, i think i will be physical-complaint free! whee!

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