

the art of imperfection is not lost on punkin. she was in the car prattling on about one of her pretend parties, saying "...and my gown is just perfect! well, not perfect...because nothing is perfect...but pretty close." yeah! my kid (hopefully) will not grow up to be a perfectionist.

as of this afternoon, i am officially unemployed by anyone other than myself. i will not be having any panic attacks, thankyouverymuch. i keep telling people that God is going to show me where he wants me to go. panic attacks would just expose my insecurity when i really need to just go on faith. however, if you hear of any part-time jobs in the mental health/educational field, let me know, k?

so i sent out an email to some of my professional acquaintances to ask for their financial support so that i can go to psi's annual conference, which is in San Jose, CA this year. with the flight, hotel, and conference dues, i am looking to close to $1k to be able to go. so far, no one has offered to help. i am going to assume that it's the economy and everyone is all donationed-out from the tsunami. that makes me feel better about my acquaintances.

i'll leave you now with a smile on your face (i hope): i was driving by a church on my way home this afternoon and was able to read their sign. it said, "sunday, 9am: the second coming of Christ." i'm glad someone knows when it is going to happen...

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