
Time Warp

It feels like it should be Monday. The kiddo and I took a quick trip to Austin on Thursday and came back yesterday. We had a great time - next time we should stay longer. Got to catch up with some friends that I haven't seen in a long time!

I have always disliked road trips because I find them quite boring. This time didn't seem so bad, though by the time we made it to the home stretch I was more than ready to get out of the car. Thanks to the iPod, Punkin's "I'm bored" s were kept to a minimum. What did we do before iPods?

We visited the state capitol and went to eat at The Oasis. We took 27 pictures in less than an hour with a throwaway camera and then realized that we hadn't used the flash for most of them. We spent time with buddies and were reminded of why we all became friends in the first place. I'm missing them already.

It's the weekend! Any plans for you?


lattégirl said...

No plans at all. Waaah!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you went to the "Oasis" in Austin? Like, such a college gig.

I would tease about it but a girl I met there in 1982 solved a calculus equation that enabled me to barely pass the exam.

She was pretty too, dammit.

StaceyG said...

The Oasis has gotten quite an overhaul since it burned down. Didn't see much of the college crowd there at all.