
duh - what?

like many other people around the globe, i enjoyed reading the davinci code and was excited to hear that it was to be made into a movie. the captain and i are often at the mercy of available babysitters, and it just so happened that we found someone to look after punkin on opening night.

overall, we enjoyed the movie, though tom hanks just didn't do it for me as the main character, robert langdon. i can only imagine what a nightmare it must have been to turn such a complex novel into a screenplay that produced a movie under 3 hours in length. i'm not sure if i would have enjoyed it as much if i hadn't read the novel first. i think i might have just been lost.

movies like this one tend to get me thinking about things that i could endlessly ponder. take the Bible for instance. as a Christian, i go on faith that what's in the Bible is truth. however, the scriptures have been translated several thousand times by different people and/or groups of people. what if just one of them made a mistake about a crucial detail?

remember playing "telephone" when you were a kid? you'd get in a line and the first person would whisper a word or phrase to the next person and so on until the last person in line heard it and then would announce what he or she heard out loud. more times than not, what the last person announced was not what the first person had whispered. you'd start with "my dog has fleas" and end up with "wapner at 3."

so...Biblical telephone. and why stop with the Bible? what if everything you know to be real and true is really just a misunderstood whisper in an eternal game of telephone? if you've ever wondered why faith is so important, just ponder the aforementioned questions and their implications in the absence of it.


Anonymous said...

If what we believe is wrong, we've had a decent life and garnered some peace from where we put our faith. But if we're right, we're golden.

Anonymous said...

What you are saying is so true, the whole question about how the gospels were formed, chosen, passed down.

Some believe God divines perpetual truth throughout the ages and transformations of the word.

Others, that it remains a human enterprise to keep discovering what was thought long ago and how it is reflected now.

Huge themes.