
the great cat food caper

the other morning, i walked into the kitchen to get the cat food out of its customary cabinet. it was not there. i looked around and saw it on top of a counter. thinking i had just forgotten to put it away, i fed the cats and then replaced it in its normal spot.

this morning, i walked into the kitchen to feed the cats and the first thing i noticed was the cat food container, again on top of a counter ( a different one this time), when i have a vivid memory of putting it away the night before in its cabinet. i looked in the cat food dish to see if my husband or daughter had fed the cats, but there was nary a kibble. so...
  1. am i having delusions of putting the cat food away at night
  2. is my husband or daughter trying to make me think i am crazy
  3. have my cats learned how to take their food container out of the cabinet and place it on the counter
  4. i am sleepwalking and putting the cat food container out on the counter

if you have any other suggestions that make more sense, please leave them in the comments. suggestions about aliens will not be taken seriously.


meemsnyc said...

that is strange, but then again, I always forget where i put things. Cats are smart though, so they may have figured out how to take their food out by themselves.


Anonymous said...
