
my addictions

no, not crack or heroin or meth or speed or even alcohol or nicotine (though i used to smoke - i kicked the habit a few years ago). i'm talking about relatively benign things that i would have a hard time giving up if i had to for some reason.

diet c0ke and chapstick.

not necessarily in that order and not necessarily together. the lip balm is relatively a new thing. it started last month when we went on vacation to colorado. when texas skin gets exposed to colorado winter, it needs lots of lotion and lip balm. my friend bought me some burt's bees, but i crave the soothing menthol of medicated chapstick. i put it on probably close to 10 times a day. i have heard that the skin on your lips can get accustomed to certain brands of lip balm, and so you do sort of get "addicted." i have held back from using any chapstick this morning and my lips are feeling dry and cracked.

the diet c0ke thing is a little more common, i think. i have met plenty of other people who share in my addiction. the sad thing is that it's not even the caffeine that we crave. if that were so, we could have a cup of coffee or a regular c0ke or take a caffeine pill. it's the actual taste of the diet c0ke that has us hooked. and don't try to give us any of that c0ke zero or diet c0ke with splenda or whatever the hell else the c0ca-c0la company comes out with next to try to compete with itself. we want the unique aftertaste that can only come from drinking a real diet c0ke, full of its aspertame glory!

if you are one of those people who "just don't get it," consider how you came to love drinking coffee or beer. they're both "acquired tastes" right? same with diet c0ke. and once you acquire the taste for it, regular c0ke tastes like sugar water with extra sugar, please.

now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go get some chapstick before my lips fall off.


StaceyG said...

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll find blogging satisfying and and aid to your personal growth. It's kind of fun to look back at old posts and see "how far" I've come.

Tracey said...

Boy howdy are you right about reading old posts. Gracious...

BTW...my addiction is Carmex. Been using it for close to 20 years. I don't think I can quit. I've tried...it was ugly.

Anonymous said...

Yes, here in Colorado we are plagued by the fact that all things are or will be extremely dry, including lips. I have been a card carrying member of chapstick-aholics for many years, and my doctor has even told me that my lips are indeed addicted, because now they don't feel normal without chapstick on them.

BTW, my term of endearment of choice during an argument is 'dumbass'. I suppose that's somewhere in the middle of "dear" and "motherf*cker".

Kris said...

As a Texan myself, transplanted to Iowa ten years ago, I go through Medicated Chapstick as if it were crack. I can't go without it; if I get somewhere and realize I don't have a tube with me, I have to go find a Walgreen's immediately... and when I do, I usually buy three or four tubes of it -- just to be on the safe side.

It's a sickness, I tell you.

Oh, and my Pepsi. In a giant 44-oz container filled to the brim with crushed ice from my own home refrigerator. "Store-boughten" ice generally ain't good enough for me. Doesn't quite have that satisfying crunchiness.

I am pathetic.