
and so it begins...

scene: punkin’s room. punkin sits on the bed with a white school shirt and white tights on. she is petting the cat. she looks sad. mom enters. she sits down on the bed next to punkin.

mom: what’s wrong?
punkin: i don’t feel good.
mom: you never feel good in the mornings.
punkin: this is different.
mom: do you want me to rub your belly?
[punkin nods; mom rubs punkin’s belly]
mom: why don’t you have any pants on?
punkin: i’m stuck to my bed.
mom: i think i am, too. we might have to stay here forever.
punkin: good thing we have those bottles of water [points to 2 small bottles of flavored water on her nightstand]
mom: yeah, but those won’t last long. and what happens when we get hungry?
punkin: [looks around] we could eat my stuffed animals.
mom: i don’t think we could digest a bunch of stuffing.
punkin: we could eat my magazines!
mom: that sounds doable, but there are only 2 magazines here.
punkin: hmmm…
mom: i guess i’ll have to sacrifice myself. you’ll have to eat me.
punkin: [looking horrified] um…i’m sorry, but i don’t eat people meat.
mom: well, then i’ll have to eat you!
punkin: nooooo! [leans forward secretively and lowers voice] i know! we’ll eat daddy!

[curtain closes]



selzach said...

Punkin is a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Neil Simon has nothing on you.

C said...

That is so stinkin' cute!