
migraines and batman...you want fries with that?

the neurologist really thinks i have migraines. the samples she gave me yesterday, came with the precursor of a list of scary potential side effects. but, if these "preventatives" can really prevent my headaches, i'll walk around with tingly hands and feet, diminished sense of taste and a mental fog. it doesn't sound too far from my everyday experience now.

anyway. the entertainment last night was batman begins. i was surprised that i actually enjoyed it. i'm not sure if this was supposed to be a "prequel" to the ridiculous batman movies of the 80's and 90's, but if it was, there is one huge problem. in the original batman, jack nicholson (a.k.a. the joker) kills bruce wayne's parents. in batman begins, some random street person does it, and then he gets killed after he gets paroled. does it matter? and then there is poor liam neeson. he gets killed yet again. after sword fighting that's almost as spectacular as light saber fighting, and getting all ninja on bruce wayne, he dies in a monorail that has run out of rail. how disappointing.

next on the netflix list: mr. and mrs. smith.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review. Next?

karla said...

Maybe it's the Batman movies that are giving you migraines?