
let it snow, let it snow, let it...well, you know

we're back in the balmy south after a few days in the single-digits in colorado. my friends' prayers for snow were exceedingly answered, as there was about a foot of the powdery stuff on the ground by the end of the second day. it wasn't good for snowman-making, but it made a great surface for sledding. it has been at least 25 years since i have been on a sled and i had forgotten how wet one gets when one falls on one's ass in the snow.

the weather had cleared by the third day and we got to ride on the royal gorge route, a 24-mile rail line with a history that started in the 1870's. that's us in front of the train in the picture above. we had planned to go up to pike's peak on the fourth day, but ended up taking a shopping tour in manitou springs instead. we figured the peak would have temperatures well below zero, and by then all three of us were experiencing the negative effects of a colorado winter on texas bodies.

i have some pictures that i need to download from the camera, but i also need to unpack...just so i can repack on saturday, i guess. oh, and did i mention that i brought home a cold with my souvenirs? we did have a good time, don't get me wrong. but the next time i get the bright idea to go to a really cold place the week before christmas (unless we're going to stay for christmas), please remind me about my sorry little immune system, 0k?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun except for the catching cold part. Have fun repacking.