
to all the boys i've "loved" before...

while my previous relationships with men obviously didn't work out (thank God!), i learned a few things from each person. here are the highlights in a nutshell:
  1. 10th grade, age 15: i learned what a chevy 350 big block engine was and that i could never compete with it for his affections and win.
  2. 12th grade, age 17: there are guys that actually cry when they're sad and aren't afraid to show it.
  3. junior college, age 18: extremely attractive men are usually too in love with themselves to ever love someone else.
  4. university, age 19: some guys are so stuck in the "glory days" of the past that they can't appreciate the present.
  5. the captain, age 20: nice guys actually do make great boyfriends...and husbands, too! being an asshole is not a requirement to be a boyfriend.

have a great weekend, y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dated all the crappy boys in the area. Finally I decided it was time to take a break and breathe, figure out what I wanted/needed and BAM. Look at me now. Happily married with a growing family!!