- What time is it? 3:40 pm
- Name on Birth Certificate? Tigger X. Anonymous =)
- Nicknames? Mom & Hon
- Piercing(s)? 2 on left ear, 1 on right
- What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Chicken Little
- Your favorite politician? a dead one
- Place of birth? Houston, TX
- Favorite food? ice cream
- Ever been to Africa? no
- Ever been toilet papering? yes
- Love someone so much it made you cry? i'm not sure what that means
- Been in a car accident? three or four times
- Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
- Favorite day of the week? Saturday
- Favorite restaurant? Saltgrass Steakhouse
- Favorite flower? anything colorful
- Favorite sport to watch? baseball
- Person you miss most? my friend b. (in georgia)
- Favorite ice cream? Cold Stone Bostom Cream Pie
- Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
- Favorite fast food restaurant? Sonic Drive-In
- What color is your bedroom carpet? tan/brown berber
- How many times did you fail your driver's test? technically once, but he passed me
- Before this one, from who did you get your last e-mail? Mary F.
- Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Target
- What do you do most often when you are bored? i’m never bored
- What time do you go to bed? around 9-10 pm
- Favorite TV shows? Gilmore Girls - it's the only one we watch
- Last person you went to dinner with? dad, the captain, punkin & 4 friends
- Ford or Chevy? Nissan
- What are you listening to right now? weird music from the latest version of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
- What is your favorite color? i don't have one, but i really don't like orange
- Lake, ocean or river? lake
- How many tattoos do you have? 3
- Favorite recreational activity? reading
- Favorite place you have been? Cayman Islands
- Place you would like to go? Venice, Italy
- Favorite alcoholic beverage? Cosmopolitan
- Preferred pet? cat
- Worst food you've tasted? shrimp
more than you wanted to know...
about me! i got this email today and figured it could act as my "100 things," except it isn't actually 100 things. it isn't "20 questions" either. but you get the idea.
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I get these all the time. I try to get creative, but half the time the questions don't allow for it.
wow - I didn't have you pegged as a tatooed person. Hmmm... that makes you a little edgy in my mind. Very worldly :)
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