
random musings

punkin asked me if we will have several different wardrobes in heaven, to which i replied, "i don't know. maybe everyone is nekkid." her reply was, "well, then we'll see other people's penises." what went through my head? "opp...yeah you know me."

i usually don't speak about poo on this blog, but i want to know why, when you get the "trots," you sweat and feel nauseated. why can't you just get it out and be done with it? i find it close to giving birth at times.

i clicked on "random blog" on blogger this morning and was thrilled to see a blog written by a 31 year old satanist who smokes doobs. i guess one must have children to have any common sense (the satanist part, i mean).

the bus was 25 minutes late. we had a substitute. she said that she got stuck by a train. the fact that she was fat pissed me off more than the fact that she was late.

good day.

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