- charities: look, i know some bad shit has happened lately, but i am done. i am not giving any more "coins for katrina" or "eggs for earthquakes." done, i tell you! may locusts come swarming down on my head for saying so.
- the astros losing to the white sox: hey, we got in on a wild card, ok? i think we're playing great (minus some annoying errors)! it just may be that the sox are better. and i'm not going to stop wearing my socks, you superstitious freaks! (that was a shout-out to my friends who gave me no end of hell for wearing white socks saturday night while we watched the game).
- reality tv (sorry, nell): the sad fact is that the entertainment gurus have run out of ideas. most of our summer movie offerings were either re-makes or sequels. now, what started as a good idea (survivor) has been smeared like peanut butter over originality. i can just see the next new show - toilet cam! i think that's the only place that cameras haven't been allowed.
things i'm looking foward to:
- revenge of the sith on dvd: yes, it's a sequel. yes, i'm a star wars geek. but maybe if i watch it again, i can keep anakin from the dark side. =)
- harry potter and the goblet of fire on the big screen: again, sequel. again, geek. you know you want to come with me.
- the astros winning the pennant: with my socks on.
- Christmas.
how about you?
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