i belong to several yahoo! groups and one of them is for the subdivision we live in. ever since i joined a couple a months ago, the majority of posts have been about a stray white dog and how to deal with it humanely, though it runs away from everyone. so, i decided to tell them what i thought. shoot it. tazer it. whatever. just get it out of your minds and talk about something that will benefit all of us - like homeowner's association business or affordable electric companies to switch to. i posted that last week and am still getting flame emails about what an awful person i am. anyone who knows me knows that i love animals. but this critter is going to die from the cold and starvation anyway, so why post about it ad nauseum? finally, today someone posted that they should talk about the dog via private email or cell phone. what an epiphany! some people are just stupid beyond recognition. white stray dog vs. the big picture...what's more important?
anyway, here's a picture of my new love seat. we have to cherish what we can.

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