
newfangled thangs

whouda thunk it? i am sitting at the dining room table with my laptop, surfing the 'net. my poor laptop, who sat in a corner for the better part of 2004, getting dusty. captain crotch bought me a wireless router for Christmas, so no more debating over whose computer needs are the most pressing. he can look at porn sites and i can read erotica on the 'net at the same time! heh. if only we were that exciting.

and on top of all that, we also got broadband service for our phone. so far, i haven't seen any significant differences except the price. we are paying $25/mo. for what we used to pay a lot more for. and we have a virtual phone number that allows us to call captain crotch's family and vice-versa for free. i feel like we have been missing out on this stuff for so long.

and speaking of missing out...it snowed here on Christmas eve. at our house. in houston. we haven't seen a white Christmas (or a white anytime) since the mid 1990's. and guess where we were? out of town. yes, we missed the first snow in 10 years that not only fell, but stuck enough that our neighbors made snowthings. darn the bad luck! i know that the city will do their annual mega fake snow fest next month, which we will take punkin to, but it's not the same as real snow from the sky.

how was your Christmas? what was the best/worst gift you got?

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